Sunday, January 13, 2013

It Be Cold

Because I am not currently living in Siberia or Saranac Lake I don't really feel entitled to comment on the cold, but I'm going to anyway.

It's freezing. And not freezing like a 60-degree breeze on an 80-degree August day. I mean it was 16 when I woke up this morning. This was my bedroom window. The inside of my bedroom window:

But boy do I love it. There's not a more gorgeous place on this planet than the Pacific Northwest.

Happy winter, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Cheese and crackers! 16 degrees?!?! What is this, Minnesota???

    But seriously, there were at least two days this week where we woke up with SUBZERO TEMPERATURES. That is NOT supposed to happen in Washington. BLARGHHHHHHHHHHH
