Monday, July 18, 2011

No, I Haven't Died

Much of this post was written last week; I've just been lazy and unmotivated and haven't felt the need to inform anyone of my whereabouts. Lucky for you, I'm in one of my moods...which generally isn't a good thing.

Here are some things I've been up to lately:

As I write this, my friend Mish, who is visiting for six weeks from Australia, is Googling pictures of Joan of Arc. My cat is swatting my leg in the hopes that such a tender display of affection will convince me to feed her dinner 34 minutes early. The sky has morphed from a beautiful hazy blue to a non-so-beautiful Zoloft grey in the span of approximately four seconds.

Mish arrived at midnight on the 7th and we have been keeping ourselves royally entertained since her plane touched down. Last week we had a picnic and read trash tabloids in the grass at Gas Works Park. The other day we accidentally emptied the entire bag of Scrabble letters onto the deck but are miraculously only missing an E and a Q (at least, those are what we can see through the cracks). Mish is now watching something on Netflix and, upon glancing out the window, shouted "Bunny!" (It should probably be said that there was actually a bunny.) I just pulled a head of cauliflower out of the refrigerator and it is pink--the cauliflower, not the refrigerator.

1. We just got back from a hike at Wallace Falls. I managed to pick the ONE day in the past two weeks that didn't even have three minutes' worth of beautiful stored away inside it. There's no putting it mildly: we were pissed on. All. Day. But that turned out to be fine because after we got home, had hot showers and ate dinner, we settled down for what has become our favorite evening routine: watching season 11 of The Biggest Loser and discussing how incalculably devastated we would be if we ever disappointed Jillian Michaels.

2. Yesterday was the Women's World Cup final between the US and Japan. I don't want to talk about it. 

3. We are currently sitting in ye olde Lyons' Den Coffee Shoppe in Bothell. Mish is writing a short story and I am alternating reading a page of Everything is Illuminated and working on my Americorps application. Over in the corner two junior high-aged girls are drinking bubble tea and wearing shorts that look to be painted on, and so short that it's as if they ran out of paint before reaching a decent length. 

4. The first thing Mish said this morning after waking up was, "Is it pathetic if I'm already looking forward to The Biggest Loser tonight?"

5. I received about two hours of sun today and I think I might be dying. Oh, my delicate Seattle skin!

I've been sitting on this post for about 2.5 weeks now, so I should probably post it. Hopefully you'll be able to look past the fact that my most exciting update is that my Scrabble board is now missing its only Q. I live a tough, tough life.

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