Tuesday, May 14, 2013

So That Happened

*Leaving the stadium after a Sounders game*
Me: I don't understand why Eddie is getting paid the big bucks to spend the majority of every game writhing in pain on the field.
Mom: Me neither. He probably pulled an eyelash.

In other news, I was in Target this morning stocking up on supplies for Orcas. Having noticed that my usual trusted hair product was not on the shelf where it normally is, I wandered aimlessly up and down the aisles of the beauty department searching for it. That was when I noticed these:

Who knew that I could get a full day's worth of meals from just four curl-enhancing concoctions? (And "creme brule"? Clearly, hiring even a part-time proofreader would be money well spent. Or, you know, use Word. It's got a spell-checker built right in!)

And then there are these, which I found while sorting through donations for the Literacy Council of Seattle's annual book sale:

(Not pictured: one self-help guide to recovering from incest.)

Well I think that's enough head-scratching for one day, don't you? Happy Tuesday!


  1. BAHAHAHAHAH The Vasectomy Book!!!! Glorious!!!

  2. Pictures...missing! The suspense is killing me!
