And now a word about the elevator in the West Wing of the Marcus Whitman Hotel. (That's right. The West Wing. I was so close to the White House I could practically hear Josh Lyman screaming for Donna in the next room. What, they're not real? Preposterous.) Okay, so. It was nearing dinner time and we we made our way down the corridor to the elevator. As we were on the third floor, we had to pass the second on our descent. We stopped there and a man joined us. "Going down?" he asked? "Yes," we answered, "are you?" He smiled and let out a brief exhalation, as if attempting to stifle a cackle. "Oh I'm going down," he said, "in more ways than one." Now, I consider myself a fairly appropriate person. I'm polite when I need to be, and despite my awkwardness, for the most part I know when to act mature. I am well-versed in the Code of the Elevator: walk in, push button, face the door, and shut up (although one of my favorite pastimes is walking in and never turning around. It makes people really uncomfortable. It's very fun.) So because I'm so well-versed in the Code of the Elevator, I knew that it would be socially inappropriate to react to this man's comment, particularly because my reaction would not be to the comment itself but to the fact that he had just admitted something deeply personal to three strangers in an elevator in the middle of what we referred to as "the chicest of the podunk eastern Washington towns." However, I felt trouble brewing in the form of uncontrollable laughter squeezing its way up my throat. I bit my tongue. I bit my lip. I told myself, "Think about death. Death is sad" which is my longtime trusty laugh-stopper. We were almost to the bottom floor when to my horror my jaw unclenched and I let out a single unmistakable wail of laughter. It was short, and it's possible the man's hearing was so bad that he didn't catch it, but I certainly did, and I'm still mortified. Elevator Confession #1: Fail.

Wow. That turned into a way longer story than I meant it to be. It's amazing how I can manage to blabber about one topic so much that reading its description takes approximately 4,000 times longer than the length of the actual encounter. That's just how I roll. Stay tuned for Part 3...if I decide to write one.
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