My friend Julia recently told me about this website called Duolingo that helps you learn Spanish for
free. It's excellent for me, particularly because I can't seem to motivate myself to do anything that cannot be accessed on the computer. The only problem is that you have to go through the lessons section by section, so even
though I've known the present tense since I was thirteen I still have to
translate sentences like "Quiero nueve fresas" before I can move on to
the more "complicated" stuff like "El perro comio su comida" or--and I
kid you not--"Esos elefantes no tienen ojos." Which is super creepy.
I took the liberty of snapping screen shots of some of the more...colorful questions. You're welcome.
God, why does this have to be so hard? |
If only I had some kind of clue... |
If you are a living creature who has gotten to this level of Duolingo and you truly think it's not #1, I weep for you. |
It's clearly #3. |
Wait, "chicken" isn't Spanish for "chicken"? (In my defense, I've been doing this for three hours. I don't think I even remember how to dress myself.) |
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