*Some other things happened in this tale that I did not include in my synopsis for the sake of brevity. Many other things happened that I did not include because I have no earthly idea what they were.
Last weekend I babysat my brother's best friend's son--a five-year-old who insisted on carving his pumpkin with a can opener. That went about as well as you might imagine.
Desmodus Vena, my brother's winery, had its annual grape crush last weekend. While cooking enchiladas with my mom, I stepped away from the kitchen for a moment to grab something from my room. I walked in to find my light on and a four-year-old staring at my fishbowl. Of the things you expect to see when you enter your own bedroom, that's generally not high up on the list.
Here are some conversations I had with small children this past week:
Kid: How old are you?
Me: Twenty-three.
Kid: That's old. Are you married?
Me: No I am not. Should I be?
Kid: Duh.
Kid: Are you new here?
Me: Yes.
Kid: I mean to the United States.
Me: Seriously? I don't look like I was born here?
Kid: No.
Me: Where do I look like I was born?
Kid: Russia.
Kids: Can we make an announcement?
Me: Yes.
Kids: Everyone, we have drawings over here that we're selling for free.
I wrote the following in my journal on October 26th: "Michael has spent the evening melting wax in a mug of hot water to make 'sexy devil teeth' for his Halloween costume. My mom has carved four pumpkins in the span of a single episode of Criminal Minds. My dad watched his bagel cook the entire time it was in the toaster oven. And me, I wasted a half-hour of my life voting for MLS Goal of the Year...so I've got that going for me." If I ever ask you to explain to me why I'm alone, I think that last sentence should just about cover it.

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